Monday 22 October 2012

Is this the way of the world?

For the life of me I can't understand what is wrong with some people these days. It doesn't matter if you're watching tv, browsing on the internet, or listening to the radio, there seems to be a certain amount of people who spend their lives insulting and criticizing other people. The sad thing is, that in most cases, the people who are making these awful comments have never even met the people who they are insulting or making awful comments about! For instance, in one of today's papers a well known celebrity has just given birth to a baby. Apparently within minutes of this news going out into the world, via internet, radio, Twitter, Facebook etc, it seems the trolls were leaving hurtful and spiteful comments. Why?? This is one of just many instances which I've heard of over the last week, and it's made me wonder just why they feel they have to do it. The first thing I thought of is jealousy.
They say, (whoever "they" are) that there is jealousy in all of us. Well, I can honestly say that I have never been jealous of anyone or anything. Unless you count when I was a teenager, and I wished I'd had a figure like this...
....and I also wanted never ending legs....
..well that was never going to happen, being 5'2" was it? I don't dream of winning the lottery, because I never do it. I know, " you've got to be in it to win it", but I don't want to spend my money on the lottery, bingo or anything else. My choice. Ah, choice! I was taught at a very early age that destiny is the choices you make not the chances you take. I believe this wholeheartedly. We don't always make the correct choices but we all have it in our power to do something about it should or if they go wrong. That brings me to the "p" word, power. Do people make these remarks because they feel it gives them power? If I am invited to make a comment on any subject, whether it be face to face, on paper, by phone, internet, whatever, I would never and have never made it anonymously, I have no reason to. We don't all like the same things, want the same things, that's what makes the world so interesting. Nothing is perfect. But what is perfect?
What's perfect for me, may not be for someone else. People spend their lives looking for "perfection" in many things.
So, are these people who make these comments and statements unhappy with their lives and want to spread their lot to others and they don't care who? Or do they just get some sort of, high, on the fact that they've made a comment on something, or someone and they want everyone to see it, and it makes them feel clever and superior, even though they've done it anonymously? I really don't know. But one thing I think they ought to do, is stand in front of a full length mirror and take a good hard look at themselves. They might learn something, hopefully!

Monday 8 October 2012

Preserving and baking

There are just a few raspberries and blackberries left to pick and I'll do that tomorrow. There won't be enough for a pie so they'll be eaten for breakfast with some home made yoghurt and cereal. The house is beginning to smell like Nellie Pledge's Pickle Factory again. How quickly that year's flown by! Anyway, the first batch of pickled onions is finished....
....I usually do five or six jars at one time. I don't do as many as I used to. I used to do a 5 kilo bag at one time. Nowadays I do about a dozen jars at the most, some for us and some for family. A lovely neighbour of ours brings us bags of apples and pears this time of year too, so most of these will be made into chutney with some leftover for pies or tarts which I'll freeze. As for drying herbs, well I don't bother. I don't think it's worth it. I do collect the parsley and fennel from the garden, it's bagged up and goes straight into the freezer. When I need some I just squeeze the bag of frozen parsley/fennel and spoon out what I need. No mess! I do pot up a root of mint early September. This is the left on the kitchen windowsill all winter. The warmth from the kitchen keeps it growing ( slowly) but I usually get enough from it for a few meals. I also freeze mint leaves too, as a standby. For Rosemary and sage, well I don't see the need for drying or freezing these. They're evergreens and so can be picked from the garden at any time and you can't beat fresh herbs. I have an abundance of these two herbs, they'll have to be thinned out when we sort the garden out. I haven't made any mincemeat yet. Although there is one jar left from last year. I'm very much looking forward to pumpkin again. I'm trying to find a good recipe for canning fresh pumpkin, so I can use it throughout the winter. After Halloween nowhere seems to stock it. ( A crime in my book!) I'm hoping to spend tomorrow baking. I have a few family favourites to make.......
...Bailey's cream cake......
...coconut cake.... cake (this one went to work with Mick!)....
....lemon tart! These are just a few family favourites. I can think of many more to keep me busy! If anyone is wondering who Nellie Pledge was, then you can see here.