we haven't seen much of that of late, shrubs beginning to burst into bud.....
.....and finally flowers are again blooming....violets...
....and spring flowering primulas......
the temperature was 15 degrees and the sun was shining, at last.
There's always housework to do, but after doing all the ironing I decided to do a few little outdoor jobs. I'm preparing to sew my newly bought seeds so I sat in the warm sunshine washing my seed trays and pots and thinking of what they'll look like when in full bloom.
Whilst I was busy doing this Mick was taking a break from his indoor jobs and treating himself to this outdoor task....
...although he doesn't see it as a chore, I'm sure!
What we really should have done is to go for a walk to the marina, which is just a short distance from us, but we decided otherwise.
DIY strikes a note in most peoples thoughts at this time of the year, and we're no exception. I have the colour charts ready to choose colours, and we have a few other things which we want to change indoor and out, but that is a work in progress and hopefully won't take all year!
One thing which we have noticed is that since those awful trees were felled adjacent to our back garden, we seem to be getting even more garden visitors. I'm hoping to get some pictures which I shall certainly be posting on here very soon. In the meantime, it's back to the jobs of the "indoor" variety, and a few crafting treats too!
Have a great weekend, whatever you do, whatever the weather.